Monthly Archives: January 2014

2014 elections

‘’Julius Malema’s belief that his EFF party will win the 2014 elections is way off base, according to a survey.

However, an October/November Ipsos survey on provincial political party support on moderate voter turnout, could see the EFF as official opposition in both Limpopo and North West.

In 2009 ANC managed to get 85.27% of the Limpopo votes, but the prediction for 2014 has dropped to 67.2%.

The EFF which was registered as a political party late last year, was predicted to garner 11.4% of the votes.

In the North West province 12.7 of participants in the survey said they would vote for the EFF, while the ANC has seen nearly a 10% drop in voters’ support.

Ipsos said Gauteng and the Northern Cape will be heavily contested between the ANC and the DA.

Premier candidate Mmusi Maimane on Monday said the DA’s polling showed the ANC support in Gauteng could drop to less than 50%.

He said the main reason for this decline was President Jacob Zuma.

In Zuma’s home province of KwaZulu-Natal more than one in every 10 participants (11%) refused to answer who they would vote for.

The survey showed that the ANC is also losing its grip on the Northern Cape.

In 2009 the DA received only 13.08% of the votes, but this time around, according to the survey, support in the province has grown to 45.9%.

The ANC received overwhelming support in Mpumalanga with 85.81% of the votes in 2009, but this number might dwindle to 63.4% in 2014.

Political analyst Daniel Silke told News24 the ANC will be happy if they can get 60% of the total vote.

Silke said on Monday the ANC election manifesto was more a political document designed to paper over the cracks in the alliance.

“”Whatever is now in the manifesto in written form needs to be put into practice with immediate effect. Actions speak louder than words.”

Ipsos said it had to be borne in mind that the survey was done before the death of former president Nelson Mandela, and that the next study, planned for early 2014, will yield more contemporary results.’’


     This survey shows a concerning possibility which is the fact that the EFF of Julius Malema could become the official opposition to the ANC party is both Limpopo and North West provinces in the 2014 municipal elections which will be held from April to June. This shows that the EFF as become a strong party is some regions of South Africa just in a few months which shows that the manipulative speech of Julius Malema is working. Malema is still insisting that his economic model is the best to develop South Africa but the truth is that is model is almost all based on land nationalization which will led to a enormous decrease in the agricultural production because the Boers are very productive and if Malema replaced them by black cooperative or by a direct control of the state is will be much less productive because they don’t have the experience to do that and many people will starve. But the ANC has much of blame because don’t give to a great number of South Africans the minimal standard of living. Much of this people became desperate and sees in Malema’s EFF the only solution, because Malema’s manipulative speech gives hopes to many poor black South Africans. But the biggest problem in the growing of Malema’s EFF is the fact that the influence of the party increases and that could led to more and more people follow the racist anti-white speech of Julius Malema and start to do what Malema says them to do which is atrocities against white people. So we Boer-Afrikaners most be very careful with this fast growing of the EFF specially in the North-West that is a region where many Boers live and one of regions where already happens many attacks against white, specially, Boer farmers. Boer-Afrikaner and also non Boer-Afrikaner organizations should recognize the danger posed by Malema and must exposed is racist speech. It is not normal to see is a democratic country a politician say that honeymoon is over for whites in south Africa, or a revolutionary must become a killing machine driven by pure hate and people from different quadrants and groups should gather to expose these and try to bring Malema to justice in South Africa and if it is necessary to higher stances.

We also see with attention the big growing of the Democratic Alliance in the Northern Cape from 13% to 46% which is positive because despite being not the party that we want to grow is a party from the center which is definitely more moderate than the ANC. It is also an important region for Boer-Afrikaners because some live there specially in Kimberley and De Aar and it is where is located the Orania community.

These survey was made before the death of Nelson Mandela which could influence to opinion of the South Africans about the ANC which could led to a small recovery of the party despite some criticism to Zuma after the death of Mandela especially by the ANC youth.

We personally think that the best path to Boer-Afrikaners is to unite in a party that has the capacity to protect his interests. And the only party that we think can protect Boer-Afrikaner interests and people is the Vryheidsfront party. The Vryheidsfront is a conservative Afrikaner party that are been helping the Boer-Afrikaner cause, showing to the world the White Genociede, is the official representative of the party in the UNPO, and it is the only party with a proposal for a Volkstaat, in the Northern Cape region. The Vryheidsfront party is not a party that want to take South Africa back to Apartheid unlike some people think and the DA, where most of the Afrikaners vote, is a party that don’t have any concrete proposal to protect Boer-Afrikaners. Vryheidsfront will never win elections but with more votes will have more power to influence politics in South Africa. So we make an appeal to the Boer-Afrikaners and other people that want to join to the Boer-Afrikaner cause to vote in the Vryheidsfront party in these elections because is the best way to build a better future to Boer-Afrikaners.


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Boere Jode

The Afrikaner-Jews or Boere Jode are an important aspect and part of the whole Boer-Afrikaner culture and is therefore deserved this our reference to our site.

In the 19th century, many askhenazi european jews mostly from Great britain(many of them originating from Latvia and Lithuania) and Germany imigrated to South Africa, due to greater religious openness practiced in this region and settled mainly Afrikaans speaking areas. The first Ashkenazi Jewish congregation was established in 1841.

In the first three decades of the twentieth century there was a large influx of Jews arriving in South Africa especially the Baltic countries, many of them coming without any possessions.

Most of these Jews did not speak English and many have learned English before they learn afrikaans, others just afrikaans because many Jews spoke Yiddish and this language is much more similar to Afrikaans than for the English. Many Yiddish words have entered the vocabulary of Afrikaans will be as s Jewish communities were integrating the Boer-Afrikaners. The University of Cape Town Jewish studies libraries has a comprehensive collection of South African Yiddish books.

Integrating culture and Afrikaner-Boer community continued with many Jews to marry Afrikaner women and cultures participate in activities of the season. However, most of these people ever lost some unique specificity of their culture, such as the maintenance of Religion, and therefore are called afrikaner-Jews or Boer jode.

Some Jews were connected more to the English people in South Africa, these Jews came mainly from England and settled in Cape Town where they found a large English community.

The Afrikaner-jews were so integrated into the Afrikaner Boer-Afrikaner culture and felt so connected to that many Boers fought the Boer side in the Anglo Boer War.

Monument in honour of the Boerejode killed in the anglo-bóer war

Monument in honour of the Boerejode killed in the anglo-bóer war


The Boerejode, are also part of Boer culture, moreover, are Boer-Afrikaner culture were integrated into the language, culture, customs and fought with us. This is suficienten any Boer-Afrikaner deny that antisemitism is an attitude that goes against our culture.

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January 22, 2014 · 11:32 pm

Baster people




The Baster people of Namibia is a people of mixed race that lives in Namibia but was form in the Dutch Cape Colony in the XVIII century and part of the XVIII century by the intermarriage between Dutch, German and French settlers and indigenous Khoikoi women. Baster is the Dutch word for bastard but the Baster people use this designation proudly as part of their heritage. The numbers are between the 20000 and 40000 making around 3% of the Namibian population. The people was form when in the end of XVII and in the beginning of the XVIII century some white settlers intermarried with black Khoi women, because of the lack of white woman, which created some mixed race individuals. During the XVIII in the Dutch Cape Colony, these groups of individuals, as the other coloured individuals, start to get a sense of people and to develop some characteristics that are recognizable them as a people. The group also included some Khoi and black members. They start to get better right than the blacks and they speak Dutch as the European settlers that were forming the Afrikaner culture and the Afrikaans language. The Baster and well other coloureds also contribute to the creation of the Afrikaans language. The Basters were mainly Calvinist as the Boer-Afrikaners and their motto shows this: Groei in geloof, Grow in Faith. In 1868 the Basters leave the Cape Colony and went North in the search of land. They end up settling in Rehoboth, in what is now central Namibia.

In 1872 they founded the Free Republic of Rehoboth with a Constitution, the Vaderlike Wette, Paternal laws in English, that continues to govern the actions of the Baster until the current day. When the region become the German South West Africa the Baster try to build a good relationship with them helping the German in the Herero Wars. However because the Basters refuse to help the Germans the Germans declared war on Basters which offer their services to the South African army with refuse them because Louis Botha think they that coloureds should not be concern in a War between Germany and South Africa. After the Namibian annexation by South Africa Basters continue to push the self determination and the recovery of the Free Republic of Rehoboth. In 1952 the Basters made a proposal to the United Nations but with no results.  Today Basters live integrated in Namibia with around 30000 individuals making around 3% of the Namibian population.

The main figure of the Baster history was Hermanus van Wyk that conducted the Basters from the Northern Cape towards central Namibia. He was the first Kaptein the leader of the Baster people until is dead in 1905. The next Kaptein’s were not recognized by German colonial authority or by South African government. In 1976 however, the South African government approved the ‘Rehoboth Self-government Act’ providing autonomy for the Basters but without conceiving independence because the Baster remain neutral is the war against SWAPO. Since February 2007 the Basters are represented at the UNPO by the Kapteins Council where the Boer-Afrikaners are also represented by Vryheidsfront party.

The Baster people in particular and the Afrikaans speaking coloureds in general is a people that have a strong connexion with the Boer-Afrikaners because they are also descendent of Dutch, German and French settlers that made up the Boer-Afrikaner people and even being a people of mixed race they are probably more close to the Boer-Afrikaners than the other white South Africans because the language in the same, Afrikaans, and the religion of much individuals is pretty much the same, Calvinist in the majority. In the case of the Baster people the similarities are even greater because they also had a trek in the XIX century, and also other coloureds as the Oorlam, that move them from the Northern Cape to the central Namibia similar to the one that move Boers to the Oranje Vry Staat and Transvaal provinces.Hermanus Van Wyk was for the Basters what the Voortrekkerswere for the Boers, the father of their nation. Boer-Afrikaners should cooperate with their Baster cousins and with other people without state to achieve their goals in their self-determination struggle.


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What we could expect in 2014?



After we made ​​a post with the balance of 2013, we will make a post now with what we expect for the Boer-Afrikaners in 2014.

Attacks on Boer-afrikaner people

In official data were 208 killed last year Boer-Afrikaners among many other attacks, many of these attacks had reason to hate and not just the money. In 2014, we are expectant to know how many Boer-Afrikaners are killed because unfortunately, looking at the past few years we should not wait for a year with no deaths. We expect this number to increase due to the growth of movements that incite hatred against whites as Julius Malema

Evolution on SA Economy

The economy of South Africa has itself been gradually deteriorate long the years, this is quite worrying because it harms the quality of life of South Africans has fallen dramatically and this is visible by the decline in life expectancy of blacks but also in that of many whites who were pushed into poverty. For 2014 we expect the economy to grow however, this growth will not be in favor of all, will be in favor of a corrupt minority that is in government. associated to the economy we are waiting once again to increase the levels of corruption in South Africa, this finding is very important because we can see that in recent years South Africa has fallen quite a few positions in the ranking of the most transparent and least corrupt countries and this is one factor that will concentrate wealth in a small group and will leave most poorest

Julius Malema

In 2013, unfortunately we speak enough of Julius malema because of all his extremist or racist comments in 2014 we hope to continue to do so, it is disturbing to have this man either protagonist alongside the South African media which drags enough young people who have similar ideas ace their . We also expect to see the evolution of his party, economic freedom fighters, and his performance in the 2014 elections, we are particularly curious about whether or not to get seats in parliament would already dangerous.

2014 elections

between April and June this year, it will hold general elections in South Africa. We are very curious to follow the election campaign and after the elections to answer a few questions:” The ANC will lose deputies and confirms the trend of recent years?”; What will be the performance of new parties as Agang SA and Economic Freedom Fighters? Will pull votes to the ANC? What will be the percentage of votes that will be vryheidsfront? The Democratic Alliance will approach the ANC?


We are also expectant to know how will be 2014 Orania? In our opinion Orania’s economy will continue to grow and the value of exports to increase. With the success of Orania and with the increase of violence and racism hope that there is an increase in the number of inhabitants of Orania. In foreign affairs, we hope that Orania can make agreements with major European parties and movements so that the support will increase because of Orania.

Visits on Afrikaner Way

In 2013, our blog had an interesting reception and at the end of the year we had hundreds of hits a day, we hope that will continue in 2014 and we continue to receive emails and comments from everyone.

Have a safe and happy 2014!


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2013 main events for the Boer-Afrikaner people.

Malema launches EFF

In October, Julius Malema officially launched is new movement the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters) with the objective of creating a movement of blacks that can put him in the South Africa’s presidency. Malema used again is manipulative and racist speech to say that the whites were still the priviligiated, even with more than 800000 poor whites and with the Black Empowerment Policies, and that the Blacks should take their land without having fear showing that he has no sense of private property. Expressions as ‘Honeymoon for whites is over in South Africa’ shows that he make a clear racist speech because is against a specific group, whites, with the intend of promote violence against whites. In his ‘A revolutionary must became a pure killing machine, motivated by pure hate’ he makes a direct call to violence and even to killings motivated by hate. For him this is the definition of member of his party which show that his party is clearly a violent and racist one and thus must be stopped. It is clearly a racist speech against whites, that in a European country will bring that politician to court but unfortunately in South Africa is just a black politician making a comment.

Prison of the BoereMag members for high treason

In November some of the members of the BoereMag including Dr Mike du Toit, Dr Lets Pretorius and his three sons, Wilhelm, Johan and Kobus Pretorius were arrested and sentenced to up 35 years by high treason and attempting to kill Nelson Mandela by a bomb attack in 2002 and killing accidentally a woman. According to the accusation they intend to recover the old Boer Republics of the Transvaal and Oranje Vry Staat, and drive the South African blacks out of the country. We obviously don’t agree with the ideological position of the BoereMag and also with is acts but we think that this kind of acts despite being regrettable are definitely influenced by current wave of anti-white violence in South Africa and also because of the frustration of some Boers with the fact of don’t having a homeland, and so they want to recover the old republics of the Transvaal and Oranje Vry Staat that were taken away by the British Colonialism in the Second Boer War.

Violence against whites

In the year of 2013 violence against whites was again a major problem which affected in a large extent the Boer-Afrikaners. A total of 208 were killed this year, official data, with many more being severely hounded. It’s not only the number of death which is concerning but also the way as those deaths happen. Many of those people are killed in a way that shows that the objective of the criminals is to kill and not rob. Some people were killed by a slid throat, others were torture and others rape. Obviously this shows that the objective of those criminals was not to rob of even to assault but their objective was to torture and to kill these people and that makes it a race motivated crime that must be considered a hate crime. Unfortunately the world doesn’t see especially in this time following the death of Nelson Mandela in which the people prefer think that South Mandela that Mandela created is a Rainbow Nation which is a great lie as we know.

Nelson Mandela’s death

In December Nelson Mandela die with 95 years of age. Is death had a profound impact on the lives of the South Africans because of the major role that Mandela played in the end of Apartheid and in the beginning of this new South Africa. We appreciate the work of Nelson Mandela as an anti-Apartheid activist, despite some excess, but the country that he create is not the country that we promise so because is a country in which the violence and the crime are in the order of the day and in which the whites are discriminated to get a job just because the color of is skin in laws promulgate by Mandela himself. But the death of Madiba could bring new instability to the South African politics, even in political terms, and increase the race or ethnic motivated attacks and one of the groups that is more in danger is the Boer-Afrikaners but also others as the black immigrants that suffered recently a series of attacks by Black South Africans.

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